Chapter 379 Blackmailed Into Incest:>>Ep25
- The next few weeks were a flurry of activity. They went to stores together and Rachael helped her mother try on dresses and casual wear. They tried on different kinds of make-up and discussed ways to do her hair. After an initial bout of discomfort, Rachael threw herself wholeheartedly into the enterprise. She had to admit to herself she was having fun. Her mom could even be quality company when she was in a good mood and she was in a really good mood now. It had the added benefit of providing some much needed distraction from her fears and discomfort as it related to her Cindy, Tess, Ariel, and Kitty.
- The preparation was vigorous and Rachael was surprised by how much went into it. She was also surprised by the level of her mother's expertise. But she never let her eyes goes off of her goal. She knew why she was doing this. It might be fun to connect with her mother and even a little bit of fun to do pageant stuff. But she was here to seduce Emma, her mother. And that was what she was going to do. To that end, during the course of their purchases and discussions, Rachael would occasionally throw in little hints about her thoughts and feelings to her mother. Nothing was too explicit, but she wanted her mother thinking about it.
- "Mom, you have such large breasts, is that something that the judges take into account?" she once asked as they were trying on dresses. Emma had stammered some sort of non-committal answer.